How To Make More Money With Existing Posts On Your Blog


VIP Contributor
Blogging is no doubt one of the profitable ways to make money on the internet. Anybody can become a blogger provided they have interest and zeal to work on their blogs.

The beautiful part of blogging is that you don't need to become a writer before you can make money with blogging. You can simply hire a content writer to keep producing content for your blog. Everything can be done on autopilot.

You can even ask the writer or hire a virtual assistant to format and upload the content on your website. Then you need to work on your search engine optimisation and target low competitive keywords. This will help to generate organic traffic to your website consistently.

Sometimes you just discovered that your blog has hit a plateau in terms of earnings. Sometimes you may produce more content but this will not affects the amount you make with your blogging in the right direction.

The simple way to go about this is to add more affiliate offers to the existing content you have on your blog.

You simply check some of the information content on your blog and look for a place where you are going to include affiliate links. Another way to increase your earnings on your blog is to offer sponsored post two different companies in your niche.
If your blog generates traffic from search engines, you don't even have to publish new content to earn from your blog. You need new content only to impress your subscribed readers (because they will visit your blog only when you have new content published). You might also need new content if you are trying to build traffic from social sites. You get traffic from search engines only when your content are ranked high. Once your content gets ranked high, you will continuously receive traffic from search engines. However, you need to make sure that the content on your website is ranked for high traffic keywords.