How to make money in campus


Active member
If you're in college and you are thinking of how to make money without living the campus, this one is specially for you. You can make money by following these 3 point:

1. Become a Teaching Assistant (TA): The TA’s job may have been to assist the professor during class, help students with assignments outside of class, or even teach the class entirely even though these sorts of TA positions tend to be reserved for graduate and Ph.D. students.

Let them know you’re interested in being their TA, explain why you’re qualified, and tell them how you’d bring value to the class(es) they teach.

2. Be a Research Assistant: If working with students isn’t your style, but you still want to work with a professor, then a research assistant could be the perfect job for you. Your duties as a research assistant will vary depending on the department and the professor you’re working for.

If you are working in a science position, your duties might include performing or monitoring experiments, preparing and cleaning equipment, or collecting samples.

3. Become a Resident Assistant (RA): Working as an RA might be the quintessential campus job. As an RA, your main job is to build community among students while also serving as a resource for any questions they might have about college life.

Make no mistake: being an RA is not an easy job. You’ll have to deal with drunk students calling you at 3 am because they’re locked out of the building, roommate disputes, and homesick freshmen. But it can also be a rewarding job, as you get to see students grow and thrive as they find their place in the campus community.

Your job is to be able to answer any question a resident would have about living on campus,and campus life, so expect to study up and never stop learning.