How To Make A Vision Board For Your Finances


If you're like us, you struggle with your finances. Maybe you're living paycheck to paycheck, or maybe you're just not making any money at all. But we've got a trick up our sleeves: vision boards!

You see, vision boards are more than just an art project. they're a way to get organized and keep track of your goals. You can use them to visualize the life you want to have, then decide what steps to take to make it happen. They can help you stay motivated and focused on your goals, which means that when it comes time for action, you'll be ready with a plan.

With vision boards, there's no need to wait until the end of the month when you get paid again before starting on whatever project is currently top of mind. The beauty of a vision board is that it gives people something tangible (or at least something they can look at!) that they can hold onto and refer back to as needed throughout their day-to-day lives. And who knows? Maybe one day that will be your car payment?

It's simple! Just follow these steps:

1. Set aside some time to do this. Don't rush, but don't take too much time either. you want to be able to see your progress as you go along.

2. Get out all of your bills, statements, and other financial documents. Make sure they're organized in order of when they came in (or at least chronologically). This is going to help you better visualize where you are financially, which will help you make important decisions about where to invest your money and what kinds of investments will give you the biggest return on investment down the road.

3. Look at each month's income statement (the document that tells you how much money each month was made or spent). Write down any numbers that stand out from the rest. this could be something like "my car cost $500" or "my bills were $2,000." Do this for every month in order for as long as possible (or until something stands out).


Thank you for suggesting utilizing vision boards to aid with budgeting. A visual depiction of your objectives may be a useful tool for remaining motivated and focused. But, keep in mind that vision boards alone may not address financial problems. It's also critical to understand your income, spending, and financial objectives, as well as take action to improve your financial condition. Making a budget, cutting costs, and looking for methods to boost income can all be useful steps toward financial security.

Your insights are useful and good to understand. I can make use of your suggestions to win the battle. Cheers, all the best


Active member
You need to write everything in the paper note because if you do not write anything and spend your finances there and there without tracking your expenses you could not unfortenally make a vision.