How to make 200-300$/week completing surveys


New member
Completing surveys can be a legitimate way to earn extra money, but it's important to keep in mind that it's unlikely to be a consistent source of income. That being said, here are some tips for maximizing your earnings from completing surveys:
  1. Sign up for multiple survey sites ( ): The more survey sites you sign up for, the more opportunities you will have to earn money. Some popular survey sites include
  2. Fill out your profile completely: Many survey sites use your profile information to match you with relevant surveys. Be sure to fill out your profile completely and honestly to increase your chances of receiving more surveys.
  3. Check your email regularly: Some survey sites will send you email invitations to participate in surveys. Be sure to check your email regularly and respond quickly to any invitations you receive.
  4. Be consistent: Many survey sites will reward users who complete surveys on a regular basis. Try to set aside some time each day or week to complete surveys consistently.
  5. Look for high-paying surveys: Some surveys pay more than others. Look for surveys that offer higher payouts and prioritize those when choosing which surveys to complete.
  6. Refer friends: Some survey sites offer referral bonuses for inviting friends to sign up. Consider inviting your friends to sign up using your referral link.
Overall, completing surveys can be a good way to earn extra money in your spare time, but it's important to approach it as a supplemental source of income rather than a reliable full-time job.
Survey sites are obviously good source of income provided if we consistently work in it, but practically I get certain drawbacks here as in start I combined many survey sites and started working in it. These survey sites were legitimate and very popular one, but after few days I found it out as on daily basis I started getting same messages in almost all survey sites as this survey is not available in your country after than I realized that it could be possible that mostly these surveys would be available for tier one countries and it is better for me to not to even attempt any survey.