How to know if woman has a fibroid.


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Up to 80% of women before the age of 50 experience fibroids. In its early stages, uterine fibroid is typically benign and asymptomatic. Many females don't even know they have fibroids. It may be simple to overlook early indicators of fibroids. However, uterine fibroids can produce symptoms that range from being merely bothersome to seriously impairing quality of life if they become large enough. The size and kind of the fibroid, which are defined by where in the uterus they are placed, frequently impact the type and intensity of the symptom.

The most typical signs of uterine fibroids in women who have symptoms include:

excessive or heavy menstrual bleeding
prolonged menstrual cycles—bleeding for seven days or longer
Pelvic discomfort during sex shows that their is fibroids in the fallopian tube.
This always affect the movement of the woman. When all these symptoms is passive, let the woman go to the hospital for proper diagnosing and treatment from the doctor.