How to Handle a cunning Client


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No one likes to be lied to, but sometimes you'll come across a client who will try to pull one over on you. So what's the best way to respond?

First, take the time to listen to what they're saying. If you don't understand their point of view, how can you give them what they need? Try to figure out where your off-base assumptions are coming from. If you can correct those, then maybe you can avoid this stressful situation in the future.

Next, think about how your behavior may have contributed to the situation. If you've made a mistake and provided bad information that led your client astray, then acknowledge it and move on. You're all adults here we've all made mistakes. Just be honest and open about it so that your client feels validated.

And finally, talk with your client about what the next steps should be. If they're lying to you about their needs or expectations for the project, then how can you both continue working together? And if you want them as a client going forward, then it's important that both sides come out of this feeling respected and heard.
Instead of looking for ways to handle them, it would better and alot easier if you cut them off. The truth of the matter is that the more you look for ways to outsmart them, they are also looking for more ways to gain the upper hand as well. Instead of stressing yourself, it would be a lot better to just completely cut them off. That way you won't have to stress yourself.
When you're working with a cunning client, it's important to be able to stay focused, and not get distracted by the things they say or do. Here are some tips for staying on task.

1. Don't take it personally. If a client says something hurtful, don't let it get under your skin it's not about you personally, it's about them trying to make you feel bad so they can get what they want.

2. Don't react immediately think before you speak! If your client says something that rubs you the wrong way, ask yourself if there's some truth in what they're saying (even if it hurts). You may need to address their issue without losing your cool; that way, you'll be able to keep them calm too.

3. Remember: their behavior is not personal! It's all about getting what they want at any cost even if that means making someone else feel like garbage in order to get it done themselves.