How to get Promoted From Security to a Staff Member


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Getting promoted from a security to a staff member is a big step. It can seem like a daunting task, but it's not impossible. To get promoted, you need to first understand the difference between the two positions.

Security is an entry-level position, while staff is more senior. Security guards are typically hired on an hourly basis and are responsible for protecting the premises and its contents. They may also be tasked with patrolling the site and responding to incidents as they arise. Staff members are usually full-time employees who perform more complex duties such as overseeing other employees or providing customer service.

To get promoted from a security guard to a staff member, you should:

* Be friendly with your coworkers - The best way to get promoted is through networking, so make sure that your coworkers know what skills you have and how helpful you can be to them. When there is vacancy or any opportunity, they can alert you so you can apply on time.

* Have experience working in retail - Working in retail will give you valuable experience dealing with customers and learning about company culture, which will help immensely when applying for higher positions later down the road.

* Show up every day on time ready for work with no excuses if something comes up take care of it before it gets out of hand make sure everything works smoothly before anything happens on your shift make sure all paperwork is filled out correctly before handing it off to someone else make sure all equipment is repaired or replaced in case anything goes wrong during your shift don't let anyone disrespect you or treat you like they are better than anyone else treat everyone equally even if they aren't as good at their job as others do not complain about anything unless it's something serious like an emergency situation.
Before promotion,there are gaps you should be able to bridge to be able to attain a higher level of position.

As a security man or woman, you won't expect or be expected to remain at that position forever or for an unusual period of time.
This may bring about one thinking otherwise.

Like I said earlier:there are some gaps you ought to bridge in the firm you work as a security personnel.

You should follow these steps if you think you need to be promoted.Why not impress your boss? Why noy make the clients of that company impressed with your position in that place?

You must be TACTFUL.
Yes! Learn tactfulness.
If you are able to have this in you, clients of the company would not feel irritated when ever they want to come in to patronize your boss.

If you are well dedicated to your work, if you are punctual and you are not sassy to the people,and you are also loyal to your bosses notification (not eye service): you will gain the heart of both the clients, most of the staffs and your boss.
In that case, you may be considered for promotion.
And not only considered,but because it's you are entitled to it.

Though,in some cases,some employees of that firm may be envious of you,how you are good at what you do;but do not relent.
Since you were good as a security personnel, you should aswell keep it up in a higher position as a staff.