How to foster curiosity in the workplace


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Sometimes being curious at work and knowing the roots of issues is better than even working smart. You can' only at most times have success at work when you dig deep to know what the problem is all about

So how can be foster curiosity at work

Be a leader

You need to have the skills of leadership to be able to be curious. The truth is that a leader must be a role model for curiosity. This is to let you know about a lot of things happening even before others have a hint of it

Run with a vision

The fact remains that a curious leader have a compelling organisational vision at heart. With this the person will be curious and be able to accomplish the vision with all the findings done.

Identify and manage challenges.

Be curious comes with one benefits which is about exploring different areas and aspect of an organisation to take an initiative that will be beneficial to the company. So challenging problems facing the company are always almost resolved by those that are curious on things that concerns the workplace and want to help remedied them. This is one reason why it is even necessary to foster curiosity at the workplace.