How to Find Clients for Your SEO Services


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Whether it is a blog, a youtube channel, an online store, ecommerce sites, a SaaS business, membership sites, etc. you need to do SEO to generate traffic and revenue. Therefore, the demand for SEO services will never die. In fact it will always increase. That’s why there is money to be made by selling your SEO services. If you are an SEO consultant and are looking for clients, here are some tips to help you.

Get listed on SEO agency directory.

Perfect the pitch: The basis of attracting clients is to pitch your idea properly.

Do SEO on your own website and get highly ranked. If you cannot rank your own website, how would you help your clients rank their websites? Your website also needs to be ranked high in order to gain your customers’ trust.

Offer a free initial SEO audit: This is very important to impress your clients. When you do SEO audit, you will let the clients know where improvements are needed.