How to earn from an idle land - convert it into a farm


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There are many idle lands in the rural area as I had seen in my last trip there. All they have are grasses and weeds. For the owner of a land of 1 hectare or more it is advised to convert it into a farm. Depending on the owner's capacity to visit the farm it can be planted to vegetables or crops. If the farm can be tended at least once a week, a crop of corn or cassava will be a good choice. The harvest will take care of the cost of tending the farm. If the farm can be visited often then a vegetable garden is better because it is a high value crop especially the lettuce that is always in demand in the restaurants and supermarket.

I had an uncle who bought a 2-hectare land that he planted into flowering plants. After 6 months he was delivering cutflowers to flower shops. It is not earning much but at least the land is not stagnant and there is work to do. So if you have an idle land and you have a little liking for gardening the best way is to convert the land into a garden of your choice.
If I have an idle land that I am not doing anything with it , I will not rather choose to farm with it because I am not really interested engaged in farming activities for now and the cost of renting tools and equipment that is necessary to carry out a modern farming system is very expensive over here, if I have plans for the land in the future I may not build anything on the land and I may not also sell it depending on the plan I have.. but I can give it out to people who are interested to farm with the land and they might also pay me some money to farm on my land and that is what a lot of people are doing over here when they are not interested to engage in farming business themselves, even if I am not interested to rent it out for people to farm I can also use the land to engage in poultry business because this is also a profitable business anyone can do with a spare land until you are capable of developing the land into a real estate.. if I can be able to raise the required money I may be able build on the land and Rent it out.
That is really good idea that can help some one to make good money . In fact some times one can also farm on the land and plant some things that one can be buying outside and save the money for other things.
Most of the time in my country when you see any fence that they are yet to build any thing on some body can beg the owner and farm on it instead of leaving it un-used.
It will even help some one to eat fresh food than buying all those food that had been preserved with chemical.
In my area here where I live, down the street there is a large fallow land that people abandoned for a long time. Its now years that people abandoned the place because of flooding. When there is heavy flood, those people in that particular community get affected and they finally deserted the whole area and they never came back to claim their lands again. Some years later, people started using the empty places for farming activities. Some had fish ponds there, some plants vegetables, plantains and so on. Right now, the farm is sustaining many families now. They even sell parts of their farm produce to get money. When covid -19 came, they took it more seriously and they survived during that period because they took it as a full time job.
So, I will advice anybody that have an empty space anywhere in their house to venture into farming it is really making a lot of sense and you won't regret it no matter whet you plant, it will definitely be profitable.
The conversion into a farm is not something easy or reachable or you could make within some months of work it needs first to study the nature of the place where you are going to build your farm it needs to be a place where you can have some plants or able for animals because the farm is based on plans and animals. The second thing how is also important is to decide if the place where you are going to make all these tricks is based on biologic farming or farming with pesticides and all these chemical products because this differentiate from the first case or the second case. The third point how is also important is to check if you have the full amount of money or you are going to get a bank loan. So if you are the owner of money you can work without stress but in the case of loans and debts then you will be stressed as there is an amount of money you should pay and get your margin to pay your salaries and margin for your profit or extend your business which is not the same case when not having debt from bank office or individuals.
One of the most profitable aspects of utilising a real estate company in which a lot of people are not taking full advantage of his going into a farm. If you are going to be cultivating crops you can go for annual crops that can actually mature within the year or after one year. This is going to ensure that there are some periods in the year where the land is going to be empty. You are not even going to need a lot of money to start as you are only going to need seed and some fertilizer as far as there is rain
This is pretty common here in my location, there are so many lands being used by farmers, then when the owner cones to farming stops, I know of some persons who what they do is to rent empty lands to people for farming
Idle land to be converted into a farmland is a nice thought, but it seems a little difficult. To be able to farm, you'll need something which is scarce in many parts, that is water. Most of the farmlands engaged in planting water intensive crops have access to irrigation water canals, and also have rights to draw water from them. If your land doesn't have access to water irrigation, something like a well with adequate water flow, or any other source of water, your farming abilities may become limited to crops that have very limited water requirements.