How to detect when someone is lying to you


Active member
Lies aren't anything good, they are spoken with an intention to cover up the truth, to deceive, and deliberately hurt somebody else. Anybody practicing the act of lies which is lying is a liar. Making a false statement deliberately, a statement which the speaker himself doesn't believe. It hurts to be lied to.

A famous writer named Jose N. Harris said;
"There is beauty in truth, even if it's painful. Those who lie, twist life so that it looks tasty to the lazy, brilliant to the ignorant, powerful to the weak, but lies only strengthen our defects. They don't teach anything, help anything, fix anything, or cure anything. Nor do they develop one's character, one's mind,one's heart, or one's soul"
When lies are being dished out by that traitor here are some ways to detect:
  • Eye contact: a liar avoid making eye contact all means so you don't detect, they could look beyond you to the side, or down because they don't have the confidence to look into your eyes.
  • Speaking voice tone: they talk different from their usual way of taking talk after (rapping their words), they can increase or reduce the pitch of their voice
  • They contradict things: they tell things this way and that, contradicting themselves
  • They go straight to the point and make their speech just a story and leave out some significant details
  • They avoid using pronouns like 'he' or 'her, we, she' etc, because they don't want you to ask them who.
  • They hide their guilt in anger or feign fatigue
  • some sweat and fight
  • They aren't confident, they feel insecure at that moment.
I hope you find this helpful to know who is lying to you ☺️.


Very nice, but this is usually helpful when you and the person can see each other physically. It would be really nice if you can detect if someone is lieing over a chat, though I believe this is possible if you are extremely close to such a person.