Signs to detect a shoplifter in your business premises


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There are signs that would let you know you are having a thief or a shoplifter around your business premises. Even without having security gadgets around. They are the red flags to point to this and you should be careful with such people come around

Always look for to these below tell-tale signs

Shoplifters of thieves hardly greet or what to make eye contact with the sale reps. So look out for these manner of people, let your eyes be on them

Look out for shoppers with large coats or loose clothing. Shoplifters and thieves would always want to wear clothes that are big and bogus to have the space to hide their loot. you need to be careful with these people.

Watch out for shoppers entering the store with closed umbrellas. They have this so they have where to hide stolen smaller items

Customers coming to the business premises or store with a baby strollers or shopping bags this is for eas of slipping in their loot.You should make a rule of shoppers leaving their shopping bags and backpacks in a safe designated area of the store or business premises

Be careful of a large groups of people entering the business premises or the store at the same time. This is a red flag be very vigilant as they move to shop in the store.