How to create a great IT portfolio


VIP Contributor
Whether you're an entry-level student or an experienced professional, your IT portfolio is the first thing potential employers see. It's also the most important part of your job application—and it's not always easy to make sure it's top-notch!

Here are some tips for creating a great IT portfolio:

1. Know your audience. You need to tailor your portfolio to the type of company you're applying for and the role you're trying to fill. If you're applying for a software development position at a startup, don't just go through the motions and put together some random projects; instead, consider what skills will help you succeed in this role. If you're applying for an entry-level position at a large corporation, then go ahead and include some examples of design work or other non-technical skills that will help you stand out from other candidates.

2. Get feedback from people who know what they're talking about. You can't get better at something if no one knows about it yet! Your friends (who probably have no idea what they're talking about) can be very helpful during this process—ask them if they know any hiring managers or recruiters who might be able to give you honest feedback.


VIP Contributor
IT portfolios are a great way to show off your skills, but they’re also a lot of work. You have to think about all the different projects you worked on and make sure they’re relevant to what your future employer needs. The best way to do it is to have an IT portfolio that shows off your skills in the most effective way possible! Here are some tips:

1. Be creative with how you present yourself in the portfolio. Make sure it’s clear who you are as an individual, what kind of company you work for, and where your skills lie when it comes to technology.

2. Make sure there's enough content for each section of the portfolio—don't just include random photos from when you were bored at work or stuff about how much fun your favorite game was (unless that's what your employer wants).

3. Include plenty of links so that readers can learn more about how awesome you are from other sources (like this website).


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