How to come up with good business ideas


How do you get an idea off the ground? First, take a piece of paper and write "Things About Me" across the top. List five to seven personal characteristics about yourself These characteristics can be things you enjoy doing or are particularly good at. "I'm really excellent with people, I love kids, I love to read, I love computers, I love numbers, I'm fantastic at coming up with marketing concepts, might be on your list. Whatever comes to mind, write it down; it doesn't have to make sense. List the things and then number them down one side of the paper.
Make a note of the things you don't think on the reverse side of the paper. And then that will help you come up with a good business ideas
Sure! This is a good way to ascertain and know what sort of business will best fit you or you can best fit in. I always will be in support of the notion that what you should as a job should be something you derive Joy from and have passion for.

That passion you have for it serves as your motivation and you'll need no one to force you to work because you do it not just for the income but also because of the joy that comes with doing what you do.