How to Come Up with a Business Name


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Without a doubt, naming a brand is one of the most emotionally charged tasks within the whole spectrum of branding and that’s because of the sentimentality attached to it when we name things growing up. We’ll name things that we’re emotionally attached to. We’ll name our toys, we’ll name our first pet then we might name our first car when it comes along and then we’ll start to come to name our children as they come along and then ultimately we’ll name our businesses. When it comes to naming a brand for the first time that task usually falls to the business owner. Most business owners will approach this task in the same way that they approach any other task when naming anything else throughout their lives. They’ll approach it with that sentimentality point of view and I’m not saying sentimentality doesn’t play a role. I mean if the business owner is emotionally attached to the business and there is that sentimentality there then they’re far more likely to get behind the business but when it comes to naming a brand it’s all about the connecting with the audience with who they are, with what they want, and that sentimentality doesn’t come into play. Nobody cares about who the owner’s dog was or what street they first lived. If the business owner takes that sentimentality into naming their business then it misses the opportunity to connect with who the audience is and that ultimately is the role of the brand name.
What Is the Goal of a Brand Name?
The brand name has multiple goals but the main goal that it has is Memorability. The brand needs to be remembered and that name plays an important role in whether or not the brand will be remembered. But memorability is not the only task that the brand name has, the brand name plants a seed in the mind of the audience so that the audience remembers the brand but that seed then needs to grow and that grows into the image and the position that the brand wants to own in the mind of the audience.
What Makes a Great Brand?
As I’ve already covered, it’s not sentimentality and if you’re able to remove the task from the business owner or if the business owner is able to step away from that sentimentality then the outcome is far more likely to be effective but there are two main characteristics of a great brand name. The first as we’ve already covered is Memorability. It needs to be memorable that is the job of the brand name. If the brand name is forgotten or if the audience cannot remember what the brand is called then the brand name has failed in its primary task. It needs to be remembered, if it’s catchy and that adds to the memorability then great but that is the task of the brand name. It needs to be remembered. The second characteristic is that it needs to be strategic. It needs to help to solidify a position in the mind of the audience and solidify that image of how the brand wants to be remembered. If those two characteristics are included in the brand name then it’s well on the way to being a great name.
Brand Name Ideas & Examples
Founder Brand Name

This is where the brand is named after the founder and there are a couple of very famous examples here in both McDonald’s and Ford McDonald’s named by the McDonald’s brother and Ford named by Henry Ford.
Descriptive Brand Name
This is where the brand name describes what the company actually does. An example here would be Coffee Club or ToysRus.
Aligned Brand Name
This is where the brand name uses associations or metaphors to align with an idea. I’ll give you an example here, Amazon aligns with the vastness of the amazon jungle and Virgin aligns with that idea of new and innovative.
Invented Brand Name
The invented brand name has no real meaning or association. Essentially, it’s a figment of somebody’s imagination and the word doesn’t exist. A couple of examples here would be Google or Pixar or Xerox.
Lexical Brand Names
These are where related words are combined to enhance memorability. You might have two words with the same first letter. An example of this would be Dunkin’ Donuts or Krispy Kreme.
Acronym Brand Name
To be honest I’m not a big fan of this brand name type and it’s definitely not something that I would recommend any of my clients do but that’s not to say that it can’t work. There are some very famous examples of acronym brand name such as BMW, MTV, IBM, etc.
Geographical Brand Name
Essentially, these brands are aligning themselves to a flag or an origin from where they’ve come and that usually comes with a certain type of reputation. An example would be Singapore Airlines or Swiss Brand.
How do You Choose a Brand Name
I’m going to give you a six step process that you can use to choose or find a great brand name for your own business or for your client.
Create Your Buyer Persona
As I mentioned earlier, the brand name is not about the business owner and it’s not about their sentimentality. It’s about the audience, who they are, what they are looking for, what they want, and when you understand the image that you want to create in the mind of your audience that’s when you can create an effective brand name but the first step is understanding who that audience is.
Define Your Differentiator
This is the strategic aspect of the brand name. If the position that you want to own in the mind of your audience is included or associated with the brand name then the chances of your audience remembering your brand for that image or for that position is significantly increased. Make sure you define your differentiator that you know the position that you want to take in the mind of your audience before naming your brand.
Brainstorm Keywords
Now that you know who the audience is and you know the difference you want to own in their mind and be known for in the marketplace now you can start to gather ideas for your brand name. This needs to be exhaustive and there is no bad idea at this stage you want to include every single word that can be even loosely associated with your audience or the difference that you want to own in their mind. Take the time here to exhaust out every single idea possible in both keywords and brand name ideas. Take your time with this exhausted and go as far as you possibly can.
Integrate, Amalgamate, and Consolidate
This step is dependent on the previous step being exhaustive in that you have taken the time to get as many ideas and as many keywords because here you’re going to merge, truncate, extend and push the boundaries in terms of what’s possible. You’re going to merge words together, chop words up, and you’re going to create something out of nothing. The more time you take with this the more chances you have of coming up with something new and something unique. Involve a heavy dose of creativity here, take the time to integrate, amalgamate, and consolidate.
Quality Filter
Chances are if you’ve done this correctly you are going to have a lot of crap to remember. I said earlier that there is no bad idea early on and you want to exhaust as many avenues as possible but when you get to step five here you’re going to have a lot of crap and you’re going to need to filter all of that through some quality control and the quality control that you want to filter it through is to ask is it memorable? Is it strategic? Is it concise? If you’re able to filter it through that quality control and it comes out the other side and t takes all of those boxes then you well on the way.
Real World Application
This is where you apply your brand name into the real world. You stack it up alongside the competitors within your industry and the global brand of the world to see how it fits and if it feels right for your brand, you can also put this into submission statements, vision statements to see how it fits within your industry and how it fits for your brand.
I have to say what you wrote above is so long I just decided to skip it after going through the topic. Selecting a name isn't a hard thing to do. You just have to look at the area you want to specialise in( your niche) then pick a name relating to that. You can also use some sites to generate a name for you. Try using google to get the name of this sites .
In business coming up with a cool startup name isn’t as easy as it seems. With every potential name having upsides and downsides, it’s easy to get stuck in a never ending state of analysis. Sometimes, the name of your small business sticks out right away. But more often it doesn’t.Your name is the first thing customers recognize about your brand. The best products, perfect service, and engaging marketing will go a long way in building brand loyalty⁠ but it won’t be enough if your customers can’t remember your name. Name is very important when establishing a new business. A unique name matters a lot for every business.
Naming a business is very important, because a catchy name can serve as a means of Attraction for potential customers. I agree with your points and I think our personal names should be a determining Factor in what we will be going to be naming our businesses. Nicknames can be used too, in any case, we need to make our business name attractive as it will be the first thing potential customers will notice when they want to patronize our business.
Naming a business sometimes you need to employ the service of SEO guys because business nowadays needs to register their presence online so your business name should correspond to the domain name you will need to establish your online presence and you have to make sure the name is short and easy to spell and also easy to remember. To get a short name to register presence online is always much you can just settle for your name of your father's name.
Finding the right name for your startup can have a significant impact on your success. The wrong name can do worse than fail to connect with customers; it can also result in insurmountable business and legal hurdles. In contrast, a clear, powerful name can be extremely helpful in your marketing and branding efforts.
A good business should be easy yoj spell
and not too ambiguous, it should not be limiting when u ok ur business is growing, it should convey uniqueness.
Setting up a business name is not that difficult. Your brand is basically you as it is a representation of yourself. You can use your name as your business name, you can also use your initials. Another trick is to come up with a name associated with the line of business your about to startup, it could be the name alone, or you can combine it with your name, or you can combine it with only your initials, it all depends on you. Brand name says alot about a business, one can easily communicate to the audience just through the name alone.
Let me give an example. Suppose you want to establish an energy or a chemical related company, the name REDCAT ANOX will serve perfectly because these are phrases that describe the activities of your business. In an electrochemical cell, REDuction occurs at the CAThode (REDCAT) while OXidation occurs at the ANode (ANOX) hence the name REDCAT ANOX. Microsoft is an example of this style which means MICROprocessing SOFTware.
Choose From Nature
Except its trademarked, you are free to choose from nature. Better still, you can alter the exact word to suit your taste as in Gossy Water (from ikoGOSI warm springs).
Passion. Energy. Courage. That's what it takes to start a new
business. You have a great idea for a business, you've
started drafting a plan, and you have a potential client base
in mind. You're (almost) ready to go for it.
The only thing missing? A great name.
A good business name should embody the feeling of your
brand. It should be memorable. It should remind your
employees why you're doing what you're doing.
You could pay a naming agency thousands of dollars to find
a name that's new, on-trend, industry-relevant, memorable,
and untrademarked. But you're just starting out, and you
have other priorities...instead of paying someone to name
your business, try getting inspired on your own (it's free!).
In this article, we'll give you eighteen tips for coming up with
a great business name.
Use acronyms
Create mash-ups
Get inspiration from mythology and literature
Use foreign words
Use your own name
Take a look at a map
Mix things up
Partner with another company
Leverage nicknames
Use a symbol
Make it descriptive
Use latin
Look at your product from another angle
Tweak the spelling
Tell your story
Talk about what you believe in
Pick a word from the dictionary
What a wonderful article, when I want to select name for my business brand I have come up with seven names that I have written down of which I hope to name my future businesses. How I came up with those names is just mainly by playing with my nicknames and the kind of product that I hope to start dealing on later in my business.

This is a name that I have already bought a domain name for and the next point of duty for me towards this name is to go and register it at the corporate affairs commission this is the government agency that is in charge of registering business names in my country Nigeria.