How to build your company's vision

Building a company is like building a house. You need to start with a plan, and then you need to follow the plan as you go. The same goes for building your company's vision, it's not just about having an idea and throwing it out there; it requires a lot of forethought and preparation.

Step 1: Be clear about your goal
What does success look like for your company? What do you want it to accomplish? What problems does it solve? Are you trying to make money or improve lives? You should find reasonable answers to these questions.

Step 2: Identify how you'll get there
This is where you can start answering questions like "Who are we?" "Why do we exist?" "How do we make money?" And so on. Again, be specific.

Be aware that vision is more than just a mission statement or a set of goals, it's the foundation for how you're going to accomplish those goals and make them happen. And once you've built your vision, you can use it as a guide when making decisions about how to run your business. Your vision should be broad enough that it can encompass everything from how you manage employees and handle customer service issues, right down to how much money you'll spend on office supplies this quarter.