How to build a career to become a consultant nurse.


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The highest point of a nursing career is when a nurse gets to the level of being accredited as a consultant nurse. How does the journey to that peak start? What are the achievements you need to have to become a consultant nurse?

First of all, you must have a Bachelors Degree in Nursing from a reputable nursing college and obtaining a Registered Nurse (RN) license from a recognised Nursing and Midwifery Council. Of course, you must pass the council exams to get that license.

Next step is to pursue a Masters of Nursing with focus on a particular area of Nursing. Some common paths are clinical research, nursing informatics etc.

You must also amass at least 3 professional qualifications/certifications that are recognised globally in the nursing path you had chosen at your Masters degree level. And lastly, you need to have 10 years of clinical practice in a recognized outfit.

With all these, you can be accredited as a consultant nurse after achieving them.