How Q&A services brings you free traffic?

Irina Bodan


The working principle is similar to that of forums: it is important to gain a high expert rating, to be active, to write comments and native advertising publications. Quora is an example of a Q&A platform.

What offers can be promoted:
  • finance;
  • crypto (e.g., crypto-exchangers);
  • the commodity;
  • mainstream dating;
  • betting.
Quora attracts a wealthy, mostly male audience from the United States, India, and the United Kingdom. You can try the following scheme to work with Quora:
  • choose an offerer;
  • make a table of popular keys for the subject of the offerer;
  • write useful articles on the keys — either by yourself or by hiring a freelancer;
  • publish articles-answers under the most popular questions, expect potential clients.
An answer from Quora can make it into Forbes recommendations, Google’s top. Before you start, it’s important to study the audience in detail, read the questions and answers on popular topics.