How Positive Thinking Can Help You To Fight Off Heart Problems


VIP Contributor
It is normally believed that whatever we think influences our behavior and whatever we think might have an effect on our psychological health. Our mental health and thought patterns can cause us to develop our psychological health or destroy our psychological health. However, now it seems that our mental health also has a direct effect on our heart health as well, according to an interesting study that was added in the journal JAMA Network Open by experts who conducted the study. This study is really very important because it shows a massive and deep connection of positive thoughts and heart health. It also showed that positive thinkers were 35 percent less likely to die from heart diseases. So always have a positive attitude towards life and you will see positive effects on your heart health in your life.
We are mostly what we think....We need to always be optimistic. Negative thoughts brings fear and insecurities to our lives which can inturn hamper our hearts and our overall health. We need to know and believe that, no condition in life is meant to be permanent. And we need to know that no problem is unsolvable. With right mindset we will surely overcome life's hurdles. When we have all these believes, we should be fine.
Positive thoughts comes with numerous gains and this is why I have only eyes for positivity. Anything negative or negative vibes I jump and pass swiftely. Anything that isn’t there to add to my well being I cut it immediately. Positive action brings positive result so I go for that only
I just had my ECG yesterday. Electro Cardiogram is to check on the performance of the heart particularly the beat or tempo. The doctor said that too much stress can cause heart ailments. This topic is the reverse of stress. When you are a positive thinker you are blocking off the potential source of stress which is negative thinking.