How Play-to-Earn Games Work


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How Play-to-Earn Games Work
  • Another key distinction that P2E games have compared to traditional video games is their decentralized nature.

  • In other words, the continuous development of P2E games is done collaboratively, and developers often take player feedback into account to improve the game.

  • Often groups of players will even come together to form a decentralized autonomous organization ( DAO ) to encourage more community building among a P2E game's player base.

  • However, players can get involved in the continuous progression and development of an NFT gaming development in a much simpler way. They can start by simply playing the game.

  • As players participate in the in-game economy, they create value for other players and also for the developer.

  • So how much do P2E games usually cost? Like traditional games, the price of these types of games varies.

  • For example, P2E titles like Splinterlands and Sandbox are completely free to play.

On the other hand, titles like Axie Infinity require you to purchase the Axies you intend to use in advance before even starting the game.