How Many People Can Work On A Blog?


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I think this depends on the blog itself. It depends on the kind of website that is being created for the blog because there are some websites that do not accept much traffics. If there are too much travgics, the website will crash. This is also one of the reasons that you will see some people or some websites saying that they do not want new users because of the website that they have created. Apart from that, I think a lot of people should be able to work on a blog. They can be countless in numbers and it will not affect the blog negatively.

The main this is that every member of the blog should have a job. We tend to see some blogs that have writers fir each niches that they have on their blog and I think it is a very smart move. There are some blogs that have a lot of niches and they are not just focusing on one niche so they will just employ people who are experts in each niche and they will help them to write on the blogs.

There are even some website creators that will be doing some kind of upgrade for the website.


VIP Contributor
this depends on the type of blog you are running, if your blog is a personal one where you write about your life then you should be the only one working on it, but if you are running a blog business then others can definitely work on it, but this depends on the quality of people involved, a blog can be managed with one or two people and it will have a lot of traffic and on the other hand it can be run by a hundred people and the results will be trashed.

So you should definitely be mindful about quality, I think blogging business, is a unique type of business where input and output are largely disconnected, you will see a blog with one hundred blogpost but it is only ten articles that are bringing all of the profits and traffic so it is definitely quality over quantity in blogging.


Verified member
this depends on the type of blog you are running, if your blog is a personal one where you write about your life then you should be the only one working on it, but if you are running a blog business then others can definitely work on it, but this depends on the quality of people involved, a blog can be managed with one or two people and it will have a lot of traffic and on the other hand it can be run by a hundred people and the results will be trashed.

So you should definitely be mindful about quality, I think blogging business, is a unique type of business where input and output are largely disconnected, you will see a blog with one hundred blogpost but it is only ten articles that are bringing all of the profits and traffic so it is quality over quantity in blogging.
You are very right about this and the owner of the blog can just try to emphasize that particular niche so that they will keep on writing on topics about the niche since people are interested in reading that niche.

And the blogger should be able to create quality posts or issued employed someone who will be doing that for him because I have worked on a blog when the person does not know what to write so he just had to employ me and some other people to work for him and I think it was a good idea


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I think the size of the blog is one of the things that must be put into consideration and the preferences of the owner.

If you have a blog for example and you have a lot of knowledge about so many niches simultaneously you may not need people because you already have enough knowledge of how to create contents.

Sometimes, you can easily go to some platforms like sproutgigs and hire freelancers who would create articles for you and you publish on your blog. But if you want people to work you can employ them and pay them reasonable amount of money every single month to create quality contents.


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You can either blog along or create a multi author blog. If you use wordpress for blogging, wordpress has an easy option to set up accounts for author's accounts. However, the problem with multi author blogging is getting quality content. When you allow other people to blog, you cannot really control the quality. Another problem is related to compensation. If you are asking someone else to blog on your blog, they might ask for compensation. It is really difficult to get good writers without paying for their articles. If you want to pay, your blogging expenses will be very high.


New member
they cna work only with ads and selling i dont think there is any other way that can profit from blog


There is no limit to the number of people that can contribute to a blog, but typically blogs have one primary author and possibly a handful of guest contributors. Having multiple writers creates more content but can dilute the blog's main perspective or voice. The blog owner must decide if they want to feature outside posts and manage collaboration while retaining creative control. Overall blogs thrive best when showcasing an individual viewpoint or small team’s unified take on a focused topic.


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The group of a blog may consist of writers, editors, search-engine-optimization experts, designers and developers who skilled in graphics and web design, individuals responsible for social media advertisement campaigns, marketing groups among others. These positions play an important role in creating content, editing it according to the requirements of SEO optimization, developing good looking visual materials for posts and landing pages as well as implementing necessary features that are not available in the standard templates provided by blogging platforms. A person who has created content should possess skills in promoting it through various forms of networks such as Facebook and Twitter among others. They are responsible for different strategies that they have to come with which include the advertisement campaign on-line. On top of this is managing other administrative roles and activities within their department. The number can be either one individual performing several duties or a large team where each position is held by a person specializing in a particular field. It depends on what goals and needs should be achieved by the blog.


VIP Contributor
I have seen many different people working on different kinds of blog. As far as I know, it is possible for many people top work on a single blog in many different ways.

I blog could be administrated by different people

this is one of the most important things we must remember. A blog could be administrated by many people at the same time as well. For example, a blog could be owned by two people or more than two people. However, in that case, the revenue of the blog and the affiliate sales commissions may be divided by the owners.

A blog could have more than one writer

I have seen many guest posts published by more than one writers on many different kinds of blog. This may be due to the fact that a blog could have a team of in-house writers who may be working for a blog or the company that owns the blog. Perhaps it is also possible that a blog may be accepting guest posts from writers who may not be a part of blog's writers team. These are some of the ways, many people could manage or work on a single blog. Having said that, there are many people could work for success of a blog.