How many interviews should i attend in a row before waiting for feedback?


VIP Contributor
It is important to give yourself a break between interviews. You should take at least a day between each interview, and if you can, it's even better if you wait a week or more. This gives you time to reflect on the interview and think about what went well and what could be improved next time. It also gives the company time to process your application, so they can make informed decisions about where to place you in their hiring process.

If an interviewer has asked for a follow-up meeting, then it's okay to talk with them again if they don't give feedback within two weeks after your initial interview date. If a company doesn't want to hire you or is dragging their feet about giving feedback/making a decision, then it may be worth looking into whether there are other jobs in the field that might be better suited for your skillset and experience level.
It is important to give yourself a break between interviews. You should take at least a day between each interview, and if you can, it's even better if you wait a week or more. This gives you time to reflect on the interview and think about what went well and what could be improved next time. It also gives the company time to process your application, so they can make informed decisions about where to place you in their hiring process.

If an interviewer has asked for a follow-up meeting, then it's okay to talk with them again if they don't give feedback within two weeks after your initial interview date. If a company doesn't want to hire you or is dragging their feet about giving feedback/making a decision, then it may be worth looking into whether there are other jobs in the field that might be better suited for your skillset and experience level.
I think giving yourself some breaks between interview is very good because you need to rest and you also need time for yourself to be able to have more knowledge for the next interview that you may be going for.

Taking some rest will also make you to be relaxed and you will not panic whenever you get to the interview office because some people tend to panic and they will always be rushing because they have not created enough time for themselves to rest.

I think we all need to understand that the brain need to rest and you should let it rest whenever it feels like you are tired.
First and foremost, it's important to remember that every hiring process is different so there is no definite answer as far as how many interviews you should attend in succession before waiting for feedback. When deciding if it’s time to wait or keep attending more interviews, consider both your own needs and those of the employer:

•Your Needs: If you have several opportunities lined up with companies that interest you, then by all means continue interviewing until something clicks with one of them. This way your efforts won't go wasted while giving yourself plenty of options in case something falls through with any particular employer. However if there aren’t other potential positions on the horizon but only applications out right now (including pending follow-ups), then perhaps it makes sense to wait on responses first before continuing further down this path again - allowing yourself some breathing room between attempts will also help manage stress levels during this delicate period!

•Employer Needs: Some employers need their applicants sooner rather than later due to business operations or timing constraints which may mean they require fewer rounds of interviews than others who are less pressed for time might do - these situations call for being mindful about not pushing too hard into unnecessary meetings/interviews without good reason since results won't come quickly enough anyway in such cases (so focus instead on getting quality over quantity).

At the end of the day though, patience really pays off here! Don't be discouraged by delays or lack thereof; take things one step at a time and allow yourself plenty rest periods throughout this entire journey – ultimately success will follow when everything aligns perfectly together!