How Klaviyo Pricing Plans Can Help Ecommerce Merchants


Active member
The first and most significant thing to know about Klaviyo Pricing Plans, is they aren't based on the total number of visitors. They're not even based on how many Subscribers you have. This can cause great confusion to many e-commerce merchants. You see, many people think they can easily increase their Klaviyo Page's active users simply by increasing the "Active Profile" numbers. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case at all.

klaviyo pricing
The only thing that has any real influence on the Klaviyo Pricing Plans, is the way the program works with the types of e-commerce platforms you use. The most popular types of e-commerce platforms out there include the likes of Joomla, Drupal, and Magento. All of these have the ability to add "Contacts" functionality to their websites. When you add this functionality, you automatically get access to all sorts of contacts, and you can modify or remove these contacts from your website.

When using these platforms to power your eCommerce site, it's important to understand the difference between these "Friends" and "Subscriber" relationships. Friends are easy to remember, we all talk to them on a regular basis. Subscribers are... well, subscribers! It's the "subscribers" that get the automation of the "friends" relationship, and it's this dynamic that determines the pricing mechanism you use.

The "Friends" segmentation refers to the email platform and functionality that's built into these e-commerce platforms. If you're building an online store, it's likely you'll utilize the built in email platform. It will provide the ability to create and edit contact details, and manage subscriptions. The Klaviyo Shopping Cart will also support a subscription form, which will allow for billing of recurring monthly fees. This is useful for any e-commerce owner who doesn't want to bill the same customer multiple times, and who doesn't need to bill his/her daily quota.

Subscriptions, as indicated above, are comprised of contacts and recurring fees. For example, a monthly membership fee might charge a user once per month. The Klaviyo Email Marketplace will provide a means for eCommerce merchants to group similar products, and for users to subscribe to the group and only be billed for the purchased item after they've agreed to it. In most cases, this works out extremely well for both the Klaviyo Pricing system and for the eCommerce merchant. If the Klaviyo platform integrates with a quality SMS service, then the Klaviyo Pricing strategy is even more robust.

The other segmentation used by Klaviyo is product segments, or product groups, which can be further broken down into subsegments. For example, there are four product groups: food & beverages, health & beauty, lifestyle & wellness, and home & personal Care. Each product group has its own set of Klaviyo Pricing plans to be delivered. For instance, no subscriber would ever subscribe to the health & a beauty group if it meant paying twice for the same product!