how is NFT system function


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NFT system function

1 Uniqueness

Digital content is easy to be copied infinitely. NFT provides a way to mark the ownership of digital assets, so that each NFT work can contain unique and traceable "identification information", thus making reproducibility easier. It doesn't matter, this allows more digital content creators to create with confidence 2Liquidity

2. Reliability
NFT is a standard that can flow easily across multiple ecosystems, that is, if you mint NFT development for your own creations, You can find your own low ft assets in all related houses, and can trade and sell them step by step in all NFT markets

3. True reliability
Utilizing the technical foundation on the chain, it guarantees that the ownership of NFT will not be destroyed . At the same time, every transaction transfer record of NFT is completely transparent and traceable. NFTs have inherent properties that prevent counterfeiting.