How I get more done with less energy!


New member
Being an entrepreneur comes with a unique set of challenges. In my opinion, one of the biggest ones is staying productive without zapping all your energy.

There is NOTHING worse than those days where you spend 10+ hours in the office (or in front of your computer), and you still don’t feel like you got a lot done.
You “worked” a full day, but it just doesn’t feel like you have a lot to show for it.

Plus, you’re dead tired..

String a few of those days together (or weeks, months, even years), and the burnout is REAL.
Well, I finally got fed up with having that over and over. So I did something about it.
I came up with a 3-part framework to overcome this…

Don’t get me wrong, there are still some days when it happens, but it’s MUCH less often.
With this new framework it’s much easier for me to…
  • Prioritize my time…
  • Get my tasks done while still supporting my team…
  • And enjoy that quality family time that’s so important to me…

Oh, and I’m more productive than ever before.
Hey, I’m not saying this will work for everyone - but it’s made a HUGE difference for me.