How do you learn life lesson without losing much as a business man?


VIP Contributor
The best way to learn life lessons without losing as a business man is to have a mentor. The mentor should be someone you trust, who will guide you and help you stay on track. You don't want to work too hard, but it's important to work hard enough to get where you want to go. If you're working hard but not getting anywhere, then it might be time to rethink your strategy.

Sometimes, the biggest success comes from failure. If there were no failures, then there would be no successes! Learn from your mistakes and move forward with confidence in yourself and your abilities. I have made many mistakes in my career, but I have learned from them all. One of the most important lessons I have learned is that it is okay to make mistakes; it is not okay to repeat them. Whenever I find myself making the same mistake over and over again, I know that something is not working for me and I need to change how I am doing things.
This has allowed me to grow as a person and become a better business person overall.
I think the most important thing that I've learned is that it's OK to fail. The first time I failed at something, I was so embarrassed. I didn't talk about it for years. But now, I see how much more successful I've been since then, and it's because of that first failure. When you're young and just starting out, you don't know what works and what doesn't work. You don't know what your strengths are or what your weaknesses are.

So when you fail, it can seem like the end of the world (especially if it's a big failure.) But once you get through that initial disappointment, you start to see all of these possibilities open up in front of you: "What if I had done this instead?" or "What if my boss had handled things differently?" It's really important to learn from your mistakes so that next time around, when things go wrong, you'll know what to do differently in order to get better results. The problem is detrimental when you keep failing over your past mistakes, you should do everything within your reach to avoid this.
It is not easy to be a successful business man. It requires a lot of time, effort, and money. However, there are a few life lessons that can be learned without too much loss.

One such lesson is the importance of networking. It is not enough to only know about your own industry. You need to be well-connected with people in other industries as well. This will give you a broader perspective and allow you to learn about new opportunities.

Another life lesson that can be learned without too much loss is the importance of delegation. You cannot do everything by yourself.

The Third is to be humble. There are a lot of people who have a lot to offer, and you can learn a lot from them if you are humble enough to listen.

Another thing you can do is to always be learning. There are a lot of great resources out there, both online and offline. You don’t have to stop learning when you finish school. In fact, you should never stop learning.

Finally, always be humble enough to ask for help when you need one. Don't over rely on yourself. Asking for help won't hurt you neither would it hurt your business success.
I like your point, there is nothing wrong with making a mistake but repeating that mistakes indicate that you are not learning from the past experience and this is not the best for business owners and even for people who are interested to progress in life .

Normally People that are interested to succeed in life both in business and in every other aspect must generally be able to put the past experience and the present condition into so many things before trying to make a decision . In most cases the decision we are making now will determine our future success .

What i always advise people is that , we should always try as much as possible to spend our time on things that will only favours us in the future and that is all.

It is not advisable and I consider it to be a wrong act for us to spend our time on things that will only last for a short time or things that do not have anything to do with our future and this is what a lot of people are doing.

We just have to try as much as possible to make sure we do not regret our decision when it is already too late.
I think it is better to try and see some errors in hours fe time. I now see most people on this platform have my mindset because I'm the type of person who accept failures although it is not my wish to fail but when failure comes I'm not too embarrassed. At times too I get embarrassed but not much because I have come to learns that he who don't do mistakes in life does not try anything.

Most of life lessons are also taken in pains so at times it is OK to fail. The post made mention of business mentor, yes, is good to have business mentor that you will take advice from him but what if he or she is no more? From that time you will carry your own risk but maybe in that time you will be in the "middle of the sea" and wouldn't know what to do. Maybe in that time your business is it highest level and is there that you needs more of his time and advice. So is better to have business mentor but it is more better to use your plans and fail from the scratch and know your errors so you can build upon it and grow.