How do you deal with an employer who constantly nags and complain?


Active member
Most of us have worked for people who don't seem to be satisfied with whatever we do. These type of employers constantly complain even over small things that can be overlooked and even if we think we have done some things the right way, they will still find one thing they will comment negatively on.Dealing with a boss like that can be overwhelming. Most workers have chosen to quit so as to have peace of mind and be free, but resigning doesn't have to be the only option.
My parents used to say that the key to dealing with people better is accepting the kind of person they are. So while we may not like that our boss complains too much, we should understand that it is their character, nothing much can be done about it from our own end. We can try to focus on any good side our employers might have that overshadows that bad one. Focusing on that good character can help us deal with the better.