How do you cope with tiredness,stress in your business


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Just as the English proverbs that said work without play or rest make jack a dull boy, that is too much of everything seems to be bad, in this case I believe the aspect of it is that, it brings about tiredness, stress and sometimes makes one weak because of excess work, it is very important that after every work one is expected to spend some of his time to have a good rest, mean while one is expected to take a break to ease the tiredness and pain, but some people the opposite is the case they tends to devote much of there time working, working is indeed very important, but most of them dont know over stress may affect someone, I sure if it didn't affect someone in his early age or while he is still strong the opposite is the case, after he grows old this stress might affect his physical strength and health
That is why it is very important and advisable that after engaging in a work that tends to consume your physical strength one is suppose to rest in order to regain back his strength, so how did you cope with stress in your business folks?
There is a reason to make sure we take a rest while doing business. My people will say in their adage that the length of business is more than the length of the owner. This means we should always apply rest while doing business because if we die, another person will still take over the business. When we feel too tired, we can just take a stroll. Or we even have a time schedule for every of our business activity.
There is a reason to make sure we take a rest while doing business. My people will say in their adage that the length of business is more than the length of the owner. This means we should always apply rest while doing business because if we die, another person will still take over the business. When we feel too tired, we can just take a stroll. Or we even have a time schedule for every of our business activity.
Yes you are right and I believe that is the only way out, anytime one works he has to have time to give himself a rest in order to ease the tiredness and stress, but this days I wonder why some people will apply the system of till day break which is not suppose, they tend to spend all the day working also in the night they only give few time to themselves which is not suppose, and I believe that no matter how harder they work once they are no more someone will definitely take from were they stopped, that is why it is advisable that even if your heart is willing to work upon the stress one should just have sometime and take a break.
Your submission is valid when once it comes to work it is always been draining at times no matter how you tend to enjoy it, it will coke with its own stress. The thing is just to sometimes stop and take a break The body has the capacity to take through our daily businesses but that does not mean you need to over work. it is good that the body naturally has a way of telling us to slow down that we need to take a break and work less. Whenbince you notice this, the best bet would be to take a rest either a nap or a short sleep to refresh the body. you can even be off the business for a day or two.