Earn Money How do people earn money through Instagram?


Deleted member 13140

Well I didn't actually know this before, I was even confused, I had to ask this question on one of the forums am part of.

But now I have things to share concerning it, basically I have my own tips.

So Depending on your Niche and brand of Instagram content, maybe also your audience and most importantly your level of commitment.
You can make money on Instagram.
  1. Becoming an affiliate and making a commission selling other brands' products.
  2. Or You can create and sell your own physical or digital product. (In my experience a digital product is all it takes and is actually better and easier to sell.
  3. All in all, you can literally figure out methods to make money online on Instagram on your own its just creativity, you can learn a skill and sell your services e.g graphics design and programming. Just as long as you're seeing engagement and you are posting quality content, you're on the right track to make money on Instagram.
Instagram on its own does not have any reward program for the people that are posting on their phone so you will definitely have to look for other methods of monetizing the platform. You can definitely use the advantage of your audience to sell your home products or to engage in paid advertising.
There are numerous ways to make money from instagram. One, you build a large following, let say over 100,000 followers. Since you have large following, businesses will be interested in paying you for promoting products nd services. Two, you start selling your products through instagram page; again, you need a huge following to sell your items.
Just like other ways of making money on other social media. If is easy for the people that to know how to cut their onion to make money off Instagram. We only need to figure out whether we want to be an influencer promoting businesses brand or want to be promoting our own products.
Those are very good ways to earn money on Instagram. But they all require you to have a large network of friends and followers. That means you need to be really active in the site by interacting with people more and posting content regularly. Then be proactive in promoting your skills or looking for companies to do Affilliate marketing for.