How do I keep a genuine voice if I’m blogging for profit?


Keeping a genuine voice when you're blogging for profit is easy.

1. The first thing you need to do is be honest with yourself. If you're blogging in order to make money, then it's up to you to decide what kind of content will help you achieve that goal but don't lie to yourself about it!

2. If the things that excite you about writing are things like learning new skills or sharing your experiences with others, then let those things shine through. Don't try to convince anyone that they should care about something they don't care about just because they could make money from it.

3. You can also think through how much time and energy it takes for other people who have similar goals as yours to do what they do. Do they put in all their time and energy? Or are there parts of their work where they don't really invest themselves fully? If so, what does that mean for the quality of the work?

4. Use your own words, but don't be afraid to add perspective or opinion when appropriate.

5. Don't assume that readers know what you mean by "the word 'bacon' is slang for 'cool' but not bacon." Explain yourself in terms they will understand!

6. Try using the same tone in all of your posts so people who read them all together get used to it quickly that way it'll be easier to change up the tone when needed if one post doesn't go over well with readers or if new information comes along that requires a different tone than usual.