
To modify diet & exercise for weight loss, one can reduce portion sizes, increase intake of fruits & veggies, and incorporate regular physical activity. Seeking professional help and tracking progress can also be helpful for achieving weight loss goals.


When you're trying to lose weight, it's important to modify the diet and exercise routine you've been doing in order to support your goals. It can be difficult to make small changes at first, but once you have a better understanding of how you can modify your diet and exercise routine as they relate to weight loss, it will be easier to sustain those changes.

First, let's talk about diet. If you're trying to lose weight, then eating fewer calories than usual can help you achieve your goal. If you eat less food than normal, then your body will need to use stored fat for energy instead of using the food that was eaten earlier in the day or week.

Second, let's talk about exercise. Exercise is critical when it comes to losing weight because it helps you burn calories and increase metabolism so that your body will use fat as fuel instead of storing it as fat cells do when we aren't being active enough throughout the day or week!


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To modify your diet for weight loss, reduce portion sizes, limit sugary and high-calorie foods, increase intake of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins, and drink plenty of water. For exercise, combine cardio and strength training, aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week, and gradually increase intensity and duration over time.