How can somebody overcome addiction or bad habit?


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It has come to my notice that addition is a strong diseases that is not too easy to stop.

Some time ago I had a friend that use to smoke cigarette and he can not do without it in a day.

In fact if he did not get money to eat food he will rather reserve money to buy cigarette which has become his daily rotten.

Presently now he has been tired of smoking this cigarette and wanted to quit it but he find it so difficult to do without it.

This friend if mine would have achieve a lot but due to this bad habbit has cause him a lot of havoc even health wise.

Please your suggestion and advise on how one can overcome addiction will be appreciated .

How can one overcome addiction or bad habbit?
Their is no other way to avoid addiction than self-discipline. You should be able to control yourself when it's time to stop or start.
If you are not disciplined, you will be controlled by an external force, and it will be very difficult for you to make decisions on where to go- left or right

You should always have it at the back of your mind that you owns your body and so, it should be controlled by you and not by the external forces