How boat loans work: Types, terms, where to borrow and more


Boat loans provide financing to purchase a new or used boat. There are several types, including secured loans using the boat as collateral and unsecured personal loans. Secured loans typically offer lower interest rates but require sufficient down payments, around 10-20% of the purchase price. Loan terms generally range from 5-20 years, with longer terms for newer boats.

The type of boat, loan amount, credit score, income, and down payment impact the annual percentage rate you receive, which can range from around 4-12%. Lenders include banks, credit unions, online lenders, and boat dealers.

When shopping, get loan estimates from multiple lenders to compare rates and fees. Have cash ready for upfront costs beyond the down payment like taxes, surveys, and documentation fees. Obtaining pre-approval gives you a price ceiling when negotiating with sellers.

Overall, boat loans operate similarly to auto loans - allowing you to affordably finance your vessel purchase over an extended period..
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