How a financial cleanse can help get spending back on track


It’s common to feel off track with finances coming out of summer due to costs associated with travel, home improvements, vacation, kids activities and more loosening the budget. Implementing a fall financial cleanse helps reset spending habits and savings goals.

Start by reviewing summer credit card and bank statements to get clarity on where extra funds were allocated. Were there weeks where dining and entertainment costs were exceptionally high? Identify your biggest splurges.

With this baseline awareness, create a revised budget for fall reflecting your current financial truth. Build back discretionary categories like dining and shopping to summer levels. Funnel any excess to high-interest debts or savings goals that may have stalled over summer months.

Next, conduct an expenses audit. Comb through recurring bills and services to spot unused subscriptions, gym memberships and anything else providing low value compared to cost. Cancel what you can to unlock savings.

Do an inventory of household supplies from paper goods to cleaning products and toiletries. Use up what you already have before restocking more. Shop your own pantry and storage first.

Meal plan using what you have on hand along with inexpensive seasonal ingredients. Embrace one-pot meals, casseroles, soups and roasted veggies to keep grocery bills low. Bring lunch to work.

Examine upcoming big ticket expenses - is anything needed for back to school, auto maintenance, home repairs, holiday travel? See where budgets can be rearranged to direct more to these known costs.

A financial cleanse to start the fall season off strong builds self-awareness around spending habits while providing motivation to get finances back on track. Use insights gained to make deliberate improvements to money management moving forward.