Get free cryptocurrencies on trust wallet

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There are hundreds of cryptocurrencies available but most of them are not yet listed. Once they are listed on major exchanges the price will start appreciating. Today I will show you how to get three different coins on trust wallet. If you have one, good. If you don't have download the app from playstore. The following are the currencies you will be getting.
1. 360dapp.
2. Hotlove.
3. Yiyoubao.
These coins are on trust wallet for free. Simply go to the search bar and input the names, enable them and you see the coins immediately. No waiting for some time, it is instant. The coins are a little short of 100,000. If any of the coins sell for $0.01 you will be looking at a free money of $1,000.
Most of them coins are shitcoins. I have tried these before , participated in all airdrops , received some tokens as well and even did what you suggested. But its been more than a year , all of the coins which I have collected are worth nothing , not even $0.01. But yes if you are lucky , some coin can go up which I have not seen with any of those coins so far.
I don't believe the coin. They are fake coin. As you said we should enter there names. Truly we will get the tokens but they are not real. The are tokens made by scammers. When ever a user send the coin to another address, the transfer fees from etherium will be for the owners of the token.
I may be doing it wrong but I tried it but it didn't work for me. I didn't see any coins with that name even when I searched. Though, the comment above even discouraged me as they all agreed on the fact that the coins should not be taken serious because they are shit coins and they don't have any future.
All these coins are supershit and are not in demand; even you can create such cryptos, but nobody will invest in such coins. Trust wallet also show the value of every currency, and these (& other) shitcoins have no value, there is no way to exchange them for other shitcoins, let alone with fiat currency.
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