Earn Money Get A IPhone 12!!


New member

There are only 10 offerts!!!!!

To participate and find out the details send an e-mail to : ( [email protected]) with the text : ( Get A IPhone 12)

Good luck! :)



VIP Contributor
It is really not enough for you to just post about a reward without actually giving in detail what we can actually do to gain the reward. In a world that is full with scammers it will actually be very good if you can explain to us exactly what you mean.


VIP Contributor
Well it is not possible for people to win anything here and that is what some scammers have been organising just after winning which they will claim that you have won,they will ask you to play a certain amount of money for shipping of the phone to your location. I don't involve myself in something like this because most of them are not true.