Free Blogging Resources


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As a blogger, one of the most important tools you will ever need is a good blogging resource. This isn't something that can be learned in a day, or even a year. It takes time, patience and commitment to learn how to maximize your skills as a blogger.

So where do you start? What are some of the best resources out there for new bloggers?

Here are 2 free blogging resources:

1. Hubspot Blogging Tips - HubSpot is one of the leading marketing software companies in the world. They offer a ton of great information on their blog about marketing and business growth strategies. Their blogging tips page is no exception; it's loaded with helpful articles about SEO and content creation for your blog posts!

2. Copyblogger - Copyblogger was launched by Brian Clark back in 2006 as an online magazine focused on helping writers find success online through content strategy and marketing tactics like SEO and social media optimization (SMO). Today they also offer ebooks, courses, membership sites, podcasts and more! Their blog has tons of useful tips for all different types of writers (including bloggers!) at every stage in their career.