Saving Money Five proven ways to save money


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From my findings, I discovered that people especially the family men find it very difficult to save money even after they might have planned their expense at the beginning of the months. Not withstanding, we can still save money irrespective of out financial challenge. I've found these five ways proven to save money.
1. Do not carry too much money on your debit card.
2. Do not focus your spending on consumables but got for properties can can yield income
3. Beware of impulse or accidental spending
4. Do not commit yourself financially to any unnecessary thing
5. Know your limit and never compare yourself with anybody.
That is a very good list, to add to it, living within one means is also a very good way to save money, some people spend mo ey on things that are not relevant or they spend their money on frivolities and liabilities, majorly on other to please people, stopping such lifestyle will help an individual y on be able to save.
You spoke wisely dear, one shouldn't spend too much money accidentally nor on consumables the time. Rather he or she should plan admirably before spending money. Cos money spent any how takes time to build back. Some times it never comes by, cos the person will be paying the price of unnecessary spending.
Determination helps too. Until you make up your mind to put away money or save, you will always find reasons to spend it. When you are determined, there is nothing that can stop you from getting there.
Setting targets is very important in saving too, before you start saving, set a target for yourself that way you would know what you are keeping your money for and how to achieve it.
I have learned to save money when I was in grade school. My willpower is my tool to save money. When there is something that I wanted to buy but is not a necessity then I wouldn't buy because it might affect my savings. However, my usual savings when I was young was for a specific cause like buying a gift for my girlfriend.