Featuring popular bloggers to gain readers


VIP Contributor
In one conversation about blogging with my friends there was the idea of featuring popular personalities in the blog, a celebrity or an athlete maybe. But one better suggestion is to feature a popular blogger. When you feature someone with 10,000 readers then you tend to acquire some from those followers of the blogger that you featured. If you will do that every week then thousands of readers will be in your fold because of those popular bloggers.

I am not opposed to the idea. But the thing is if the popular bloggers will agree to be featured. Of course, they know that if you are a minor blogger then you are apt to steal some of the readers of the major blogger. However, there are ways and means to make it subtle. What is your take on the subtlety of featuring another blogger?
Are you talking of guest writers, I see this a lot on some sites I read but I think the guest bloggers or writers also gain because they leave their site link that you can click on to also read their blogs. This is a 50:50 gains on both sides I believe
The most of users are searching for celebrity and stars and players private life and if a blog is just talking about news or headlines or handling programmation tricks or some medecine tricks he will have much lower visitors because the first thing that comes to ordinary not skilled people a famous player and to focus his daily news that's why many blogs are switching to famous life.
While this is a good tactic to gain visitors, I am not in favor of using this tactic to gain visitors. I would like visitors to come to read the content I have published on my blog and not due to the tactics like featuring other bloggers or giveaways. I would like to spend time and money to do SEO so that I can gain search engine traffic.
Its simply a welcomed note to do what you know its beneficial to you. Had it been you went with the idea of featuring a known celebrity in your contents at your blog it won't garner the attraction cos people hear such names steady so it won't impress them any more. But the idea you brought up to feature a blogger with over 10k readers is a positive one indeed for your blog traffic performance.
Are you talking of guest writers, I see this a lot on some sites I read but I think the guest bloggers or writers also gain because they leave their site link that you can click on to also read their blogs. This is a 50:50 gains on both sides I believe
It is not the guest writer. For example I would write a blog about a sports blogger who is covering big events. I will elaborate on my blog the travails of a sports blogger. However, that sports blogger should have a huge following for me to benefit by featuring him on my blog. In other words my blog would be like an entertainment blog but instead of featuring actors I would be featuring popular bloggers.
I have done this a couple of times. I have interviewed bloggers and influencer on my niche on my website. This has not only helped me to build traffic on my website but also helped me to be interviewed on other websites, which ultimately helped me to get more contracts.