Famous URL Shorteners Have Changed Feats


New member
Hello there,
Greetings for all.

As I have been observing as of late, many famous URL Shorteners have drastically changed a lot.

Say for instance: services like BITLY and Tinyurl.
Before, with a FREE account, you could even produce a lot of Shortened links.

Not so much anymore.
Now, with Free Accounts, you may only produce very few Shortened links.
Even services like Cuttly are now reducing greatly how many Shortened links you may create with free accounts.

This present a problem for many.
Including me.
As of now, I could use only Free accounts.
Exactly to hide affiliate links, and Links by Url Shorteners That Pay.

The main reason that I would use Url Shorteners.
Have you people encountered other alternatives?
I mean to be used with Free Accounts.

I am aware, however, that BitLy also has an affiliate program, perhaps TinyUrl as well.

Have you people also noticed these changes?
Did you try other companies as a solution?

I have found one fine: it is Hopp by Wix.
It seems very fine, don't remember the limits of a free account, though.

So, any thoughts?