Factors that mitigate against employee engagement


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There's so much that the employees and the company stands to benefits from employee engagement but some factors affects the gains that would have been enjoyed with this management strategy.

it is of essence for the employers to know about these bad influences and try to eradicate them to give room for a positive result. The factors include:

Lack of collaboration between all employees.

The workplace is an environment that should boost collaboration between all employees when this is lacking then employee engagement might be not be achieved.

Employees are not empowered to voice their opinions

Employee engagement is highly influenced when employees are not encouragedto voice their opinions. it shows that their abilities is stifle.

Lack of team-building activities

Employees engagement will be hindered with lack of team-building activities. There are not interested to have the emotional connection that will help then achieve teamwork

No alignment of company's goals with personal values of employees.

This is one bad influence that can kill employee engagement in the work place m This is when the goals and vision of the company does not align with the personal values of employees.

Lack of employees appreciation

Employees feel more engaged with the workplace goals when the feel appreciated for all their contributions but it's will be opposite if this isn't in place.