Effects of inconsistent saving


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Saving is indeed a very good financial habit and practising it gives you a level of financial security. Making a saving plan is the best way to consistently practise saving and lack of consistency while saving has a couple of Effects.

• You may not enjoy the full benefits of saving since you won't save enough. When you save as expected, you will discover that you are able to keep a lot which you can use for very productive purposes and this won't be realized if you lack consistency.

• Another effect is that you may be unable to maintain the savings. When you keep an amount this month and you do not do same next month, then there are many chances that you will end up eating up the savings. It invariably makes saving unrealizable for you

• And also, you may never be able to build a habit around saving. What you do consistently is what becomes a habit to you. When you do not save consistently, then saving will never become a habit to you and you'll find it hard to save at times because it has not become a habit to you.
When we talk about saving, we're usually thinking about the amount of money that we have in our bank account. But there's another kind of savings that can be just as important for your financial health: consistent saving.

A lot of us spend a lot of time thinking about how much money we should be saving and why and then often don't do it. We hear all the time that saving money is good for our long-term goals, but we don't make it a priority.

The thing is, when you consistently save a little bit each week or month, it becomes an automatic habit and over time, that small amount adds up to big savings. When you start putting away $100 per month instead of $100 per quarter (or whatever!), it adds up quickly.

When you think about saving consistently as part of your financial plan, you'll find that it's easier than you think!
Saving is very important and when it is consistently you will get to find out you have save much more than expected, but when it isn't consistent,a time is coming when you think there is no actual need to save why because it's not consistent, you have no much Savings a you think and you end up using it.

Try saving up any little,either everyday, week or even month,just make sure you save at that particular time you should. Like for instance,when you drop 200naira daily or 5000 monthly,you will get to find out you have actually save a lot of money within a short while. When you are dedicated and determined in your Savings,you will get to know and see there is actually nothing hard in savings, somene people really want to save but the consistency is absence reason for a lack of good saving funds. Saving needs determination and consistency in order to achieve your aim.
Anybody who does not save all the time may not be able to imbibe the habit of saving money. The person will fond it very difficult to save money and it may affect him sooner or later.

Also, the person may not take it seriously and he or she may later decide to spend the money that he has been saving because he is not saving all the time and the painful thing is that the person may end up spending the money on something that does not make any sense.

Lastly, the person may not be able to start up something because he is only saving unreasonable amount of money.
Saving is indeed a very good financial habit and practising it gives you a level of financial security. Making a saving plan is the best way to consistently practise saving and lack of consistency while saving has a couple of Effects.

• You may not enjoy the full benefits of saving since you won't save enough. When you save as expected, you will discover that you are able to keep a lot which you can use for very productive purposes and this won't be realized if you lack consistency.

• Another effect is that you may be unable to maintain the savings. When you keep an amount this month and you do not do same next month, then there are many chances that you will end up eating up the savings. It invariably makes saving unrealizable for you

• And also, you may never be able to build a habit around saving. What you do consistently is what becomes a habit to you. When you do not save consistently, then saving will never become a habit to you and you'll find it hard to save at times because it has not become a habit to you.