Effects of death on human wants and needs.


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Death as we already know is an unforeseen occurrence , and when it happened it does not give room for rejoicing , merriment and happiness etc . Rather death is followed by actions like grief , remorse , sorrow , disappointment , and condolence . Every human being on planet Earth is prone to death , or in other words no human being existing today is beyond the act of dieing . Sooner or later people will always die and that is reality .
But the second question to ask is what effects does death have on human want and need ? .

Death have a devastating effect on human wants and need , sometimes in a family a breadwinner could be subject or victim to death , leaving the rest of the family without any source of financial support . Situations like this causes anxiety , stress and uneasiness etc . for the rest of the family members in satisfying their want and need . Possibly most of us here are experiencing challenges like this , I will love to know the different ways and steps you use in combating your own situation so please feel free to leave your comment below .
Death as we all know as human is an irreversible process that happiness once in a life time, some will say death is the end of a life, well as for me I see it as a transition process, a transition of life to another life. But for the purpose of this topic. Of course death plays a lot of role even in business as the death of a client who happens to be a debtor could actually mean the end of the debt. And something the liability may live on and be passed down to the offspring of the debtor. Hence it is very good for people to avoid loans as you may never tell the day Mr death will come knocking. And it will be bad to leave a debt burden on the future generation as we can see in out country today, our government has hipped up a very heavy debt profile for the future generations and they do not even care of what we the consequences of the actions would be knowing that they will not be around by then, hence they wickedly accumulate more debt for the future generations. So we should always make plans for death.
You're absolutely right; death is an inevitable part of life that affects us all. It's a sobering reality that makes us reflect on our own mortality. 😔
Personally, I've been thinking about it a lot lately since my grandpa passed away, and I'm heading to his funeral soon. It's a time when we come face to face with the impact of death on our lives and the lives of those around us.
You've touched on a crucial aspect of the effects of death on human wants and needs. When a family loses a breadwinner, it can be incredibly challenging. In my family, we're considering aquamation as an alternative to traditional burial methods. It's a choice that aligns with our values and may offer a more eco-friendly and cost-effective solution.
Death is the enigmatic departure from life, a realm where the tangible meets the intangible. It's the ultimate mystery, an inevitable part of existence that touches every living being. While its presence often evokes fear or sorrow, it also shapes the very essence of being alive. In contemplating death, we ponder the transient nature of life, embracing its fragility and cherishing each moment. It invites reflection on legacy, purpose, and the interconnectedness of all things. Amidst its solemnity, death imparts the profound wisdom to live fully, love deeply, and leave indelible imprints on the tapestry of time.