Effects of bleaching


Bleaching is not good because it makes the colour of the body different from the other.also bleaching causes skin cancer and cancer is a deadly disease .so don't bleach for a healthy life.
I have heard severally that the bleaching creams causes skin cancer but I haven't seen the scientific prove. Do you know a research work that backs your submission up? I quite agreed that it isn't the best practice to bleach the skin. It could result in serious skin conditions . I don't see the need to bleaching the skin.
Bleaching cream is a bad thing which a good human beings should not do. When one bleach it means that the first layers of the skin is remove and it can cause cancer of the skin.
The first layers of the skin is the one that use to protect body from outside attack and when it is remove then more danger to the body.
Bleaching is very bad for the skin it can cause skin cancer and can also damage the skin.it can also change color of the skin and make it different from the other
Does that bleach always face side effect like skin cancer it is very common among them so we should avoid using bleaching creams
Using of bleaching cream damages the skin and causes acne pimples and scars
when you bleach it affect the organs in your body because those chemicals are able to penetrate through the skin and damages organ in the body
Bleaching is not a good idea for the skin because it makes the skin to get easily penetrated so when you are exposed to sun it causes skin burn
Bleaching cream damage theskin and even the organs in the body it is advisable that you should not use bleaching cream because the benefits it does to the health is less than the danger that its course to the health the benefits is just for youto beautify your skin just for a short time it can't be for long because you start getting some side effectswhich will end up destroying your skin and endangering your health to different kind of diseases and the most common diseases that meeting cream cause is skin cancer because of the chemical that it contains
Bleaching cream can cause skin cancer so we should avoid it bleaching cream the side effect is so too bad because some places will be black while some will be yellow skin bleaching is a very bad thing we can have a normal cream that is not bleaching and we will be fine