Educate Your Children About Money


VIP Contributor
Money is a topic that can be difficult for kids to understand. It can be confusing, and it can make them feel bad about themselves. That's why we suggest starting early with your children and talking about money. Let them know that they are important and that they deserve to be treated well. Be sure to let them know that you care about their financial well-being, too.

Here are some tips on how to talk with your kids about money:

Start by teaching your children the importance of saving and spending money wisely.

Teach them how much each item costs and how much money they should have in their piggy banks. This will help them learn proper saving techniques when it comes time for them to earn a little extra cash for something special or purchase something new for their rooms or for school supplies.

Show them how much money is needed to buy their favorite toys, clothes, or other items they enjoy using or wearing. If necessary, set aside a certain amount of money each week so they can save up for something fun without feeling deprived if they don't have enough on hand at the moment.
Thank you very much for your informative thread. I fully agree with every single word you mention in your post. It is very important to talk with kids about money. Kids must learn that money is essential in life and that we must not spend it carelessly on things we do not really need. Furthermore, they must learn to save some money for the future because life is so unpredictable, especially these days. If children learn these things about money, then they will be very careful with it. Of course, we must also teach them that money does not always bring happiness. There are things in life that are much more important than money like love, health and peace.
Money is one of the most important things in life. You can't buy happiness, but you can buy a lot of other things that make you happier. Children need to know about money and how it works. They need to understand how it's earned, saved and spent. They need to know the value of a dollar, a quarter and an entire dollar bill.

You should model your own behavior with regard to money. If you're stingy or cheap, teach your children that this is not a good way to be; that they should give as generously as possible; that they should spend only when they have enough money in their pockets; that they shouldn't feel guilty if they don't have enough spending money at the end of the month; and so on. If your children are already more interested in "stuff" than in learning about money, encourage them to learn more about both subjects by reading books about each topic or discussing them with friends who have similar interests.
Teaching children about money is very important indeed. There is a part in the bible that talks about leading your children while they are still young and the information will help them throughout their lives. This is very true about money. Teaching them to save, preparing them to start earning and making them know that everything costs some money is very important.

You can start with letting them know the prices of food, clothes and even fun activities. That will make them know that most things they enjoy are bought. So they know that it is important to earn money. Then go ahead to show them how you make money and save.

Teaching them that saving is important makes them know that you don't get to spend all the money you have. So they better prioritize their needs first. I have seen parents who even support their children's business ideas and that is really great. Children can earn money too as long as you guide and support them.