Earning extra money from giving extra murals


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As a teacher, the salary you get paid may not be sufficient to cater for all your needs and so I came up with these ideas that will help a teacher earn by doing something in line with his profession.

Extra mural lessons are lessons delivered apart from the normal school lessons and usually not within the confinement of the school. How to begin?

• First and foremost, you must have been known as a very good and experienced teacher as this gives you a leverage over others.

• Secondly you will have to make known to your potential students, the fees for your classes and try to make it pocket friendly. You can do well by letting parents know by yourself and do it in a persuasive manner.

• Then you will fix a venue for your classes and a time as well. Other parents may want you to deliver in their homes and others may be okay with anywhere. And this can be in weekends or after school hours so that it won't interfere with any academic work.


Valued Contributor
Half of the teachers are teaching students outside school as revision session for some extra money and this is common prohibited practice by school or collegue or university.