Does Lemon Really Damage Your Bones?


VIP Contributor
Lemon is actually one of the healthiest and greatest foods we can ever consume. This fruit is full of vitamins and many other kind of nutrients that helps the bones and it also helps our body to recover from various kind of diseases. As I mentioned before, lemon has vitamic C and it could be good for bones, but the problem is that it is really acidic in nature. Whenever we drink raw lemon juice we can feel that it is affecting our teeth instantly in a negatyive way and it causes the teeth enamel to erode away. This does points out that lemon might not be good for bone health. Doesn't the acidic aspect of lemon proves that it might be bad for bone health?


VIP Contributor
You should first remember that too much of everything becomes opposite. lemon is a good source of vitamin C for the body which strengthen the immune system. However if you consume too much of lemon it will create series of chain reaction in your body systems which may affect your bones. Therefore it is good to consume lemon in moderation.


VIP Contributor
I Don't really know much about this because I have not done any research to confirm the dangerous side effects of lemon on the body but I think consuming it too much might have the possibility of causing some side effects on the body... Personally I do not consume it because of its horrible test.. and it is also acidic.


Active member
Lemon is good for our health but too much it can lead to some implications but I don't usually drink lemon so I don't know much about it


Verified member
I don't think lemon has side effects but am not sure about too much consumption of lemon because too much of everything always has a side effect or implications to the health but lemon still has a lot of benefits to the health as long as we take the normal quantity