General insurance Does insurance cover lasik


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Lasik surgery is a popular option for people who are looking to improve their vision. However, there are some things to keep in mind before you decide to go ahead and get the procedure done.

Does insurance cover lasik?

Most insurance companies will cover the cost of laser vision correction surgery, but not all of them do. If your insurance does not cover it, then you need to find out if your local community health center or hospital offers payment plans or a sliding scale fee structure that allows you to pay out of pocket.

What are the risks?

In rare cases, patients may experience complications during the procedure and develop complications related to the recovery process. These complications include:

Vision problems – including double vision, blurry vision and eye strain

Stroke – although this is extremely rare, it can happen in people who have diabetes or high blood pressure, as well as small blood vessels that are close to their eyes. If you experience numbness or tingling in your fingers or toes after having laser eye surgery, it’s important that you see your doctor immediately.