Do You Work For A Bad Boss? Here's What To Do


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You're tired of being treated like a project, and you're sick of the way your boss talks to you. You want to stop but are unsure of how to accomplish it. How do you behave? What you need to know is as follows: There isn't a magic solution to get rid of a bad boss. But there are Five things you can do that will make it easier for everyone involved if you decide to leave:

1. Tell your manager what's going on between them (and ask them why they're doing it).

2. Start planning how to move forward without working together.

3. Call your union rep and complain about your boss.

4. Write an e-mail to the company president, expressing your concerns and asking for action to be taken against this person who is ruining your life and making you want to quit every day of your life.

5. Always remember that you are in control of your life and career. You can leave at any time if the situation becomes too toxic or abusive.
What if after writing and. Notting takes place? Where I am currently working, though my boss isn't really bad but he is rather difficult to work with. So many complaints have been made by not just myself but also other workers, the next day it would seem like changes for good are about to take but, but after that everything goes back to normal. In such a case, what do you think one should do?