What is the difference between a good and a bad boss

King bell

VIP Contributor
The main difference between a good and a bad boss is that the one will help you, while the other doesn't.

A good boss is more than just someone in charge of your company; they are also your coach, mentor, and friend. A bad boss tries to control their employees rather than empower them to thrive.

A good boss wants to make themselves indispensable, so they invest in their people. In contrast, a bad boss has too much pride for others or doesn't care about human connection at all.

A great example of a prevalent example of this is with Marissa from Facebook who was an excellent leader and was loved by her employees until she left the company because she cared more about empowering people than being liked by her staff.

A good boss is more than just a manager, but rather a mentor and is willing to go above and beyond in order to achieve their goal of developing you into a valuable asset to your organization. A bad boss puts you down, makes their ends the priority, and wants you to be the best version of what they think you should be.

A good boss knows how to handle different types of people while a bad boss doesn't know how to deal with different personalities and how they work together or don't work together.

A bad boss generally doesn't care about their employees because they don't want them getting in the way of their own success.
A good boss is someone who inspires and supports his or her employees. A bad boss, on the other hand, should be avoided at all costs.

Good bosses are the ones who give their employees the freedom to succeed, while bad bosses will try to micromanage you and make your job more difficult than necessary.

The best bosses know when to give and when to take back control of their employees' work. They understand that it's important for each employee to have a sense of independence and responsibility, so they don't interfere too much with what you're doing.

A bad boss is one who thinks he knows better than his employees about how to do their jobs. He'll make comments about your work that are either inappropriate or simply incorrect, which will make you feel inferior in his eyes. And if he makes a mistake himself, he'll blame you for it!

A good boss knows how important it is for everyone to be successful at their job — even if they aren't doing exactly what they were hired to do right away. He understands that every employee has strengths and weaknesses, so he helps them find ways to play off each other's strengths in order to achieve greater results together as a team.